A.L, Homeowner in Coventry
The situation came to an end when the Sharer needed to move out for personal reasons. A few weeks later the lady sadly passed away.
“Share and Care” has been so helpful to my family on two occasions now finding a Sharer to live with my mother who is blind and has just celebrated her hundredth birthday. She values her independence and the work of these two remarkable people has allowed her to remain in her own home with sympathetic and supportive sharers to make her life safer, happier, and much more rewarding. It has also allowed me to relax knowing that someone is immediately on hand at night should she need help.
They have an uncanny knack of seeking out the right person for the role, and of being persistent until the right person is in place. The two young women who have shared with my mother have been models of concern, good humour, and attentiveness whilst getting on successfully with their own lives and allowing my mother space for hers too.
The contracts and paperwork they produce are systematic and thorough with the ground rules carefully spelt out for everyone’s benefit.
We have used the agency at “arm’s length” as it were since we are well outside London so interviews and follow up are by telephone rather than in person, but again this has been sensitive and thoughtful, charming but scrupulously fair and detailed.
I recommend them strongly and without hesitation, as does my mother whose life has benefitted most from their skills.”
June 2008-Spring 2010